My name is Milena, and I love finding impressive fabrics for dresses. I frequently spend my time hunting for patterns that will instantly turn my face into a starry-eyed emoji. A good catch is brought home and added to the pile of previously selected fabrics waiting for their moment to shine. The line of a dress is chosen based on the fabric, which is not a standard order when one is trying to make a dress. In my opinion, each fabric requires to be studied carefully, so its later use would be worthy of admiration. That is why I like to study the structure, pattern, elasticity, how a fabric fits the body, and what it wants to become.
My mother taught me how to tailor and sew, but, later on, I advanced and upgraded my skills on my own. Apart from being a dress designer, I am also a frontend and a website developer. was designed and coded by me, which makes it a place where I merged programming and fashion design.
Dresses have been my love since childhood. I can still remember how excited mini-me was watching Cinderella sew her ball gown with the help of her friends, the mice. It is my favorite animated movie, and I know that my dress is not complete until I look at it and feel at least some of the excitement I felt the first time I watched Cinderella. Maybe I don’t have mice to help me, but I give my all to make pieces that stand out and make you look twice.